Wednesday 19 December 2012

Research and Planning: List of thing to do over Christmas

1. Take pictures for all pages
2. Research extra content for my magazine
3. Start making my front cover
4.Write the double page spread article
5. Finnish at least two pages

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Research and Planning:per and student feedback

Here are the feed back from my class review, I have found that i have too much white space on my pages, I needed to redesign my content page because it doesn't suit my genre and take pictures for all three pages. I will look at a range of different rock magazines and take inspiration from them to redesign the pages, as of the photo's I need I will take them soon when I get in contat with my model 

Friday 7 December 2012

Research and Planning: Work still to do

so far I have only done the content page which looks reasonable but still needs work. the front cover needs to be redesigned and started same with the double page spreed. with this I need to take the pictures and write the article

Research and Planning:Work so far

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Research and Planning: Content Inprovements

today I completely changed the content page by changing each font and adding other elements

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Research and Planning:Shot list

Here is the basic set plan of each shoot location, for the studio I only need the one picture for the front cover so has little information but describes my initial idea of having one single light source, its the same with the Hyde park shoot basic information of initial ideas that I can work with when at the location. I do think this will come in useful 

Research and Planning:Shooting schedule

Here is my shooting schedule which shows the basic information about the shoots I will be doing for my magazine in the two locations, I will give this to the model and anyone aiding me with it to let them know the time and location 

Sunday 2 December 2012

research and planning:Shot ideas and options to try

high angle
low angle
play around with colour B&W
play with shutter speed