Wednesday 19 December 2012

Research and Planning: List of thing to do over Christmas

1. Take pictures for all pages
2. Research extra content for my magazine
3. Start making my front cover
4.Write the double page spread article
5. Finnish at least two pages

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Research and Planning:per and student feedback

Here are the feed back from my class review, I have found that i have too much white space on my pages, I needed to redesign my content page because it doesn't suit my genre and take pictures for all three pages. I will look at a range of different rock magazines and take inspiration from them to redesign the pages, as of the photo's I need I will take them soon when I get in contat with my model 

Friday 7 December 2012

Research and Planning: Work still to do

so far I have only done the content page which looks reasonable but still needs work. the front cover needs to be redesigned and started same with the double page spreed. with this I need to take the pictures and write the article

Research and Planning:Work so far

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Research and Planning: Content Inprovements

today I completely changed the content page by changing each font and adding other elements

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Research and Planning:Shot list

Here is the basic set plan of each shoot location, for the studio I only need the one picture for the front cover so has little information but describes my initial idea of having one single light source, its the same with the Hyde park shoot basic information of initial ideas that I can work with when at the location. I do think this will come in useful 

Research and Planning:Shooting schedule

Here is my shooting schedule which shows the basic information about the shoots I will be doing for my magazine in the two locations, I will give this to the model and anyone aiding me with it to let them know the time and location 

Sunday 2 December 2012

research and planning:Shot ideas and options to try

high angle
low angle
play around with colour B&W
play with shutter speed

Friday 23 November 2012

Research and Planning:Magazine Progress

Today I started my music magazine, to start of with I created the Masthead. Initially I was just going to stick with the Rockster font but wanted to play with the effects. I firstly needed to rasterize the text to make into a image which I could edit.  I blurred and oiled panted it which gave it texture
Part of the specification was you need to make every thing your elf and can not use logo's pre made, I have tried to recreate The Who's logo my self trying different text to get a similar text type to the one used    

Friday 16 November 2012

Research and Planning: Risk Assessment

Research and Planning:Double Page Spread Ideas

The interview double page spread simply sits the write and picture up, Large reconcilable artist Pink telling what the articles about with out reading it. The article starts off with Masthead, sub-title, introduction then the questions. The Masthead font is bold clean meaning no effects and easy to read, for the page the size I find maybe a little small. The sub-title again is clean and bold but the right size for being a sub-title, maybe  little stereotypical but I would colour it in pink. I like the use of question then answer on different lines. Another great feature is that theirs a clear disinction between question and answer, the questions being in bold. The format of my double page spread will be an interview

This Double page spread is an article on an up and coming band of the rock genre. I think the best features are the Masthead with the spider logo surround but I know I've seen it before, the size of the picture shows attitude and dominance what you need to get into the music business. The downfall is the size of the article its too small for the normal person to read. reduce the size of the picture and increase the font size. I don't like the how the text is mounted on a black background which is mounted it self on the grey background of the picture. 

News. It said it, top left. I really like how they have layed out the double page spread with pictures surrounding the text, the Masthead large grabbing your attention with the two colours being used. Again I think the text size is to small and should be filling at least 3/4 of a page. I cant read what the white section says but it could be a feature used in my double page spread I also will use the varied place of the pictures in my article. 

Review of artist. Leather Mouth. Center of the page large size and the artistic style of only using two light types feature and back casting the shadow. The yellow colour Masthead background is defiantly unique and would grab my attention. The use of advertising bottom right is a clever feature if you just bought it for this article. again I think the text size is to small.  


Wednesday 14 November 2012

Research and Planning:Locations

First location is Hyde park

Second Location is of Hyde Clarendon

Research and Planning: Week Schedule

Location forms compleate
Model forms compleate
Risk assessment
other photo's needed
other posts 

Sunday 11 November 2012

Research and Planning: Artists

These are a selection of Artist I might use in my music magazine: Classic

Led Zeppelin
The Beatles
Pink Floyed
The Jimi Hendrix Experiance
Van Halen
The Eagles
Bob Marley and the Wailers
Rolling Stones
Bee Gees
The Who
Fleet wood mac
Aero smith
Bruce Springsteen
Guns n Roses
Dire Straites
Red Hot Chilli Peppers
Bon Jovi
Radio Head
Iron Maiden
Linken Park

Research and Planning: Test Shots 2

Here are a range of pictures I have taken with my own SLR camera to show the detail and claritywhich can be achieved with the right settings