Wednesday 26 September 2012

Research and planning: College magazine evaluation

Here are the Front Cover and Continence page for my College Magazine I design. On the front cover I have listed a range of topics available and interesting to college students these include sport activities, trip they can go onto and thinks that are happening in college or near by.
The contents page consists or a range of article in the magazine and page numbers you can find them. I listed the articles of the front page and added other article about the new chill out area and a art exhibition. i also added a QR code which allows a smartphone to scan it, which sends them to the magazine website.


what went well. I really think that I kept to the three colour rule, which means through out the magazine you only use three colours for the text and background. the colour I chose work well in my opinion with none being too bold and looking out of place, the maroon/red for the title works really well because it grabs your attention and isn't consistent with the research I had done. as always black suits where every it is used. the only thing I am not happy about its theres a white background and looks like there should be something there, I could have taken another picture e.g. of a wall to add depth and also fill in the space, which I would have do if I can more time. its not a rule but I think I might have used too many fonts which may distract customers, I should have kept with one or two main font, this will make it more processional and presentable.


I think the amount of pictures used compared to text is reasonable and size is big enough to see but doesn't overpower the page, using a QR bar code if the magazine went  on sale will appeal to the student market because you can easily access the website from a smartphone with camera, I stuck to the three colour scheme again using red and black with a white background  although its only a draft and doesn't need to be complete, I would have like to put more information on the page to fill more of the white spaces, white was probably the wrong colour in hindsight because it makes all the pages look unfinished. with a border on the page I'm not sure if it looks too formal for a college magazine and if so the actual colour doesn't match with the title colour which it should. Finally my worst enemy spelling, its unacceptable when it takes two seconds just to double check and use a spell checker.

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