Tuesday 6 November 2012

Research and Planning: Music Magazine Draft Contents

Content page

As with the front cover I have gone for rockster size 60 as the font for the title yet again I find it suitable for the genre of music and is the house style of my magazine for titles.
The sub-title again is Sunday Script font size around 20 underlined as well the artical text will be Sunday script around size 12-18.
There are two things I will add extra to fill the page and make it more suitable to my target audience. The charts for the week/month and latest news. 
I think the red 3mm border separating the photo's from the text works really well. with the pictures there will be a range of sizes and in the bottom left corner the page number.
from looking at the contents page I think there's no particular genre to the page apart from the title font but with pictures added you would defiantly see its a rock magazine.   

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