Tuesday 6 November 2012

Research and Planning:Music Magazine Draft Cover

CLASSIC the font I used its rockerster because on the questionnaire it came equally first when asked, the size of the font 72 which makes it stand out and bold. I am still not sure of the colour chosen because I had gold as a second choice, I will investigate which is better on Photoshop or Illustrator
Cover Story
With the cover story I decided to use Sunday Script  size 48 because of the readability and is slightly similar to the Masthead font. I find its a balance of being formal and being able to read it with the slight quirky spin on it. In terms of audience feed back I didn't ask the question.  
The shot type I have chosen is a medium close up where it from the shoulders upwards, I asked this question on both the interview and questionnaire, with similar results.

The overall appearance I think works well but might be slightly too dark. When reading the Questionnaire answers, Male was the gender of choice I think i for filed it by having Jimi Hendrix as the cover photo and stereotypical boy bands logo's on the front as well( all these are examples I might not use of final magazine )The recommended price was £4.50 because it will be a monthly issue as you can see I forgot to place it on the design it would ether be placed in the bottom right corner or top right corner.The color scheme works well and associates with the dark rock image,but using a bright red I think makes it stand out and more modern audience.

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