Wednesday 16 January 2013

Research and Planning: Studio Photo's

The first set of images gave me the initial idea of what I wanted but the lighting I used was too dark, insead of using the hand lamp I opted for a studio light that will admit more and a brighter light to give the contrast between light and dark  

The angle of the photo doesn't work for what i had in mind, there's to much light on the face and you cant see the contrast between the shaded side of his face

As I moved the angle of which i started from and moved more to straight in front the contrast became more noticeable and would work for the article which the image is needed for. 

This is the image I am going to use due to the contrast between his face and the effect of the beam of light on the background. I think it will convey the message I want with a caption beneath 

The last two images i tested with the ceiling lights on as you can see it has illuminated all his face and doesn't give the effect of the shadow

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